Saturday, February 21, 2015


Kiwanis Beach Dash Youth Tent

Beautiful morning to start.

Port Aransas High School Key Club and helpful Middle school students and a fifth grader or two came to help in the youth tent today.

Even Ally's Dad joined in.

High School student, Aubrey, tried her had at carving sand. Good Job!

Fun morning in Port Aransas.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Beach Marker 39 was the Place to Play

Beautiful day.

First lesson was a blast.

Lots of fishing today.

Then another talented family in the same spot.

Fun in the sand. Great students today.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Scouts in the Sand on North Padre Island

Met on North Padre Island on the beach by the parking lot on Windward,

Saw this as I was driving off the beach.

Another fun day in the sand.

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