Sunday, January 27, 2013


Sand Marlin Practice

Beautiful morning today.

Saw this castle by marker 5 or 6 by Sand Castle Drive. Think it may of belonged to one of my students.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Beautiful Day In Port 'A'

Went to the beach to get some practice in. Did not get too far before I made a lot of friends that turned in to helpers. This is a team effort in sand. Thanks to my new found friends we were able to redefine the sand today in a special way.


 Keepers at Horace Caldwell Pier and the Dunes.

Fun day in Port 'A'.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Port Aransas High School Marlins Sweep Undefeated Woodsboro Eagles

The JV and Varsity Lady Marlins and the Varsity Marlins beat Woodsboro Tonight.
Port Aransas High School students played some good ball tonight.

Go Blue and White

Sunday, January 20, 2013


First Lesson of 2013

Met this family near the South Jetty for a 2013 Sand-castle experience.

 Nice job folks. Thank you for playing in the sand today.
The ta da shot.

Beautiful day today.

Come visit us in Port Aransas, Texas

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